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$100.000 crypto fund for digital billboards – Details and FAQ

by Blindspot
If you're here, you've probably read about the $100.000 crypto fund we've set out for alt-coins that are buying billboards. If not, here's what all that's about. Simply put, we'll be redirecting the profit we make from cryptocurrencies using our service to advertise themselves into a fund that the same cryptocurrencies can access. Why? Because we're

How Wokyo Noodle Bar increased sales by 54% using digital billboards

by Blindspot
Wokyo is a casual noodle bar with the mission to explore the great noodle tradition of the Far East. Creating noodle dishes with the perfect flavor, texture, aroma, and slurp factor is a craft that they honor every day. Wokyo has two locations in Dubai – their original branch in Jumeirah Lake Towers (JLT) and