Uber car top digital billboards at top offers with Blindspot

Look in the road! It’s a cab! It’s a pre-owned Honda Civic! No, it’s an Uber ad!
What do we all think of when we call an Uber?
“Thank God, I don’t have to take the subway?”
“I’m getting too old to stay out till 4 AM?”
Both good answers but nowadays, you’re also likely to think “is that a billboard on top of my Uber?”
Buckle up chuckleheads, Blindspot is taking a ride into the future of mobile advertising!
You’ve definitely seen these car-topper digital screens on rideshare cars and cabs before. Now’s your chance to snag one for yourself. Hey, if your audience is always on the move, why not follow them?
With us, you can find and book Uber digital billboards in major cities across the US like Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix, Los Angeles, New York, and much more at very special prices only through our platform.
For example, you could book 100 ridesharing vehicle billboards in LA for about $44.15/hour (10 plays per hour).
You can choose from over 3000 vehicles from one of the major cities in the US. Each city has hundreds of cars available for you to book, and each city’s Uber network has hundreds of millions of impressions each month.
These billboards, which provide an innovative solution to the challenge of reaching a mobile audience, cost-effective, and even customizable. You can select from a wide range of options to tailor your ad campaign to your exact needs. Furthermore, Blindspot’s platform allows you to track the effectiveness of your digital ads with real-time analytics, ensuring that every dollar spent is going towards maximum ROI.
Car roof advertising
Car roof advertising is one of the most innovative and effective ways to reach consumers. With an Uber car top digital billboard, businesses can target customers with personalized offers and content. This highly visible form of advertising can capture the attention of consumers who are driving by, or even those who are walking or taking public transportation.
The advantages of car roof advertising include the ability to target a specific audience, reach a large number of people in a short amount of time, and provide an affordable option for businesses. Additionally, car roof advertising can be easily customized with different messages and visuals to match the needs of the business. With this type of advertising, businesses can quickly reach their target audience and create strong brand recognition within their community.
Uber car top digital billboards offer a variety of benefits for businesses. They are cost-effective, offer a wide range of customization options, and can be used to target specific audiences. In addition, they provide an out of the box solution for businesses to stand out from the competition and create strong brand recognition within the community.
Digital car advertising
You can choose from over 3000 vehicles from one of the major cities in the US. Each city has hundreds of cars available for you to book, and each city’s Uber network has hundreds of millions of impressions each month.
And you know what’s good about these Uber ads being only available in the biggest US cities? Traffic, baby. The thing that people hate will actually serve you well because as sure as the sun will come up tomorrow, there will be traffic in NYC tomorrow.
And you know what that means? All those people stuck in traffic will only have your Uber ad to look at in order to pass the time. So make sure it’s a good one.
The benefits of a moving billboard should be obvious; you don’t have to confine yourself to one neighborhood, you benefit from congestion and high-traffic areas, and they tend to be more affordable than traditional, large-scale outdoor billboards. You can even get a fleet of them going at once for maximum effectiveness.
Or, you might say, for “uber” effectiveness.
Eh? Get it?
We’ll see ourselves out now.