Network API Integration

Curious to learn more about Blindspot’s API integration for networks and media owners? 

The process is very straightforward. You already have a CMS and a player that you use to run your current clients and campaigns. Blindspot connects to your existing CMS through a Pull API integration, allowing you to keep full control of the reins. When your screens have available inventory, they will automatically check what campaigns are pending from the Blindspot system.

Connecting your CMS to the Blindspot portal allows you to:

  • Make your inventory compatible with dynamic campaigns planned by Blindspot clients
  • Plan your own dynamic campaigns for existing clients through the platform
  • Receive reports and real time data from various Blindspot data partners
  • Access additional budgets from companies that do not normally advertise on DOOH or companies that want to run reactive campaigns

The integration itself is made as easy as possible on your side and our tech team is always here to assist should you have questions.

What does integration mean for me? 

First of all, it means you will have a higher chance of selling your available DOOH inventory. Secondly, it means you will be able to run dynamic Digital Out of Home campaigns as part of the normal playlist, without having to book exclusivity and run it through an HTML5 player or other solutions.

It also means you’ll still be in control of whatever is shown on your screens. The campaigns and content coming from Blindspot clients are already approved, but you have the final say on what runs and what doesn’t.

What doesn’t this integration do? 

Blindspot is not a CMS, nor does it mean to replace your existing tech stack. We work on a non-exclusive basis and come on top of your existing solutions. It is also not meant to replace your sales team – we work with digital clients and rarely access OOH budgets due to the nature of our approach – selling hourly slots for dynamic content or micro-buying for mid-sized advertisers.

Try to think of us like having extra leg room on an intercontinental flight. It’s not mandatory and you can definitely still get on the flight without it. But do you really want to?


Feel free to reach out to setup a demo and receive API documentation.

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