Contextual Triggers through Blindspot

Dynamic DOOH campaigns at your fingertips. 

What does contextual or dynamic even mean? Simple. Ever saw an ad at the worst time possible? Of course you did. Everything from a travel ad in a news article about rising crime rates in that region to a billboard promoting a swimsuit when it’s pouring outside. If you’re not the one spending money on that out-of-context ad, it’s hilarious. If you are, the humour might be lost on you.

Digital Out of Home and OOH are especially susceptible to out of place ads because, traditionally, advertisers plan a single type of content on their campaigns.

Multiple research data shows that dynamic content can increase sales and ad recall by up to 80%. On our own campaigns, we’ve been able to directly link a retail sales increase of over 10% for high ticket products when clients used dynamic planning.

Blindspot’s Dynamic Module allows advertisers to automatically plan multiple creatives and make sure they’re always showing the right at the in right context. The triggers for context are almost limitless. A few examples include:

  • Audience Intelligence (age, gender, customer behaviour & persona, past purchases etc.)
  • Online Data (website traffic, product trends, search data, social media data, news etc.)
  • Events (in proximity of the selected screens, based on type of event)
  • Weather (includes air pollution or sudden real time changes)
  • Client owned data (real time sales, data from own CMS/DXP, list of retail stores etc.)

How does a dynamic campaign work? 

Everything is ruled based and on a very basic internet principle – IFTTT (If This Then That).

For example, let’s say we’re a sports store looking to get more foot traffic in our retail location. Rather than pushing a a generic ad or a brand message to nearby DOOH screens, you could use the following triggers:

  • Rain -> show waterproof running shoes and clothes
  • Online searches -> show shoes & products that are seeing an increase in search popularity
  • Real time sales -> show products that are seeing an increase of sales based on your own data
  • Temperature -> show heat-tech products when temperature is getting lower
  • Events – Marathons -> show running-related products when running events are happening in proximity to the store
  • App data -> use your on mobile app data to show on screens products that people are browsing or adding to basket

These are just a few examples of the possibility of dynamic advertising. Basic triggers such as weather, traffic and time of day are already available on the Blindspot platform, with more being added constantly.

Looking to make dynamic DOOH work for you? Feel free to reach out.

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